4 Ways To Consume CBD

Does the above sound good to you? You’re not alone. CBD is used by many individuals to combat the constant stressors of modern life. Thankfully, just as there are many reasons to use CBD, there are also many ways to consume it. Here is an outline of some of these most popular ways.

1. Oils

CBD oils are a popular choice for those who are looking to incorporate CBD into their diet without necessarily consuming CBD. CBD oil is made when CBD is extracted from the plant and then blended with a type of oil, generally hemp or coconut. It is described as having a neutral, if somewhat earthy, flavor. You can even buy the best CBD products online in Canada.

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2. Topicals

Topicals are a way to enjoy CBD through absorption. This is a popular choice for individuals who are suffering from pain of some sort and want to apply the healing properties of CBD right at the source. CBD topicals popularly come in the form of creams, salves, balms, and more.

3. Pills

CBD pills, or capsules, are a popular way to consume CBD at its most potent. Although it may take longer for CBD pills to kick in, the user will likely feel its effects for longer than it would from the other methods on the list. However, CBD pills can come in different strength levels to fit your tastes. 

4. Consumables

CBD can easily be consumed, whether it be in the form of edibles or in liquid forms, such as a THC_infused soft drink or tea. In recent years, a major market for CBD has materialized, which means that there were more flavors and types to choose from than ever before. Some of the unique ways to consume CBD can include things like cookies, taffies, and even breath mints.