How To Have A Healthy And Balanced Diet

A good diet increases your chances of living a longer, healthier life by reducing the risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 

For a well-balanced diet, eat a range of healthy and  balanced meals in the correct proportions. Complex starchy carbohydrates and proteins release energy gradually, helping you to keep going for longer, while vegetables and fruits are important sources of fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Protein-rich food are vital for building and repairing your body cells.

Use the size of the palm of your hand as a guide to gauge the correct size of each food portion. Refined grains are known as simple carbohydrates and the processed products made from these refined grains, such as white bread, cake and pastries. Limit the amount of processed foods otherwise you will lose out on fibre.

Go figure: A healthy eating approach helps people be healthy ...

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Five Essential Minerals

Minerals promote muscles activity, keep cells and nerves healthy, and help the body repair itself. Five essential minerals are given below:

  • Calcium for strong bones and teeth. Sources: Cheese, low-fat yogurt, tofu, broccoli, semi-skimmed milk
  • Iron for the manufacture of red blood cells. Lack of it leads to tiredness. Sources: Red kidney beans, liver and dried apricots.
  • Zinc for maintaining healthy immune system. Sources: Prawns, oysters, liver and whole meal bread.
  • Potassium for promoting muscles activity and nerves function, and prevent cramp. Sources: Bananas, avocados and red kidney beans.
  • Magnesium for healthy nervous system. Sources: Nuts, almonds, steamed spinach and whole meal bread.

Take healthy and balanced diet everyday and you’ll see that the results are really amazing – you’ll be happier, healthier, and brighter. Seriously.