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Advanced authentication

Double Protection With Hosted 2 Factor Authentication Services

There is a myth revolving around multi-factor authentication. The myth says it is complicated to install and implement. So the question is how do you implement this authentication? First of all, you need to understand what it is. Just as the name suggests there are two or more kinds of authentication involved to verify users' identity. If you want to get advanced authentication services then you can check this link right here now.

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The 2-factor authentication is more common and it uses two factors. The factors must be independent of each other. This means a user with wrong motives must use different methods to gain access and in the process end up entangling themselves in a confusing web.

Consider the cost

With hosted 2-factor authentication services you should consider the costs. This does not only refer to the direct ones of licensing and purchasing since there can be other hidden costs. One good example is the cost incurred in the distribution of hardware. The biometric enrolment processing brings about logistical costs. You should also take into account the costs incurred due to support. If you evaluate the costs you will be preventing a situation of paying more and getting less in terms of value. It is therefore important that you do risk assessment properly.

Support and security

User satisfaction with hosted 2-factor authentication services can only be achieved via daily support processes before the first deployment. You should set something in place to reset the passwords. It is important to check the solution's security as that is not only a matter of shifting the weak link's location. See what you can apply in your system for authentication.
