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birthday gift

Ideas For Unique Birthday Gifts

Photo gifts are a great idea for any recipient and with a wide range of over 150 different gift items and the opportunity to combine text with photos and other elements it is possible to create just the right gift for every member of your family.

Photo Calendars

Photo calendars have proven an especially popular photo gift item because they make ‘inexpensive birthday gifts’ (which is also known as ‘preiswerte Geburtstagsgeschenke‘ in the German language) as well as great-looking ones. Design the cover of the calendar with a single photo and a title to accompany it and then design each of the monthly pages by combining a single photo and a text caption. Available in a choice of two sizes, calendars are a great gift idea to use 13 of your best shots.

Photo Bags

Photo bags are a line of unique birthday gifts that actually incorporate several different gift items. Handbags, makeup bags, and wash bags can be personalised with photos and so too can shopping bags, beach bags, and even laptop bags. The standard layout option provides you with the opportunity to add a single photo on one side of the bag but you can spend a little bit extra to add the same or a second design on the back of the bag.

Unique Birthday Gifts For The Home

There are also many gift items for the home that can incorporate one or more photos and text. Cushions, blankets, and duvet covers are a great use of a photo montage consisting of several favourite photos and more unique birthday gifts like photo cubes and light cubes enable you to mix up your design in order to create exactly the look that you want.
