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Cedar wood siding

Different Types Of Wood Siding

Cedarwood siding may make your house look amazing which is your supreme desire. Wood siding types that are manufactured today are lots of that include, clapboard, plywood, shakes and shingles, groove and tongue and hardboard. 

Choosing one type of wood in your home is a big step. By matching the style of your home to a unique cedar wood siding type you will have a more desirable looking house at the end of the day.

wood siding

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Clapboard siding is long planks of wood which are extended horizontally overlapping one another on the side of the house. A big incentive for clapboard siding is that it matches any style of design. Redwood and cedar are the most favorite timber variety to be utilized for clapboard siding.

Plywood siding is just another kind that's simple to install with the most minimum standard carpentry skill. It's normally made from Western red cedar, Douglas fir, southern pine, and redwood, giving away several textures and designs to select from. Plywood siding that's stained or painted frequently could last up to 30 years and more.

Shakes and shingles are similar to clapboard siding since they can fit into any design style. They have an appealing and rustic look and therefore are also decay-resistant. This kind of siding is constructed from cedar which may come in several grades. Based on upkeep and climate, shakes and shingles may last from 20 to 40 years.

Tongue and groove siding are all spans of boards that lock and fit together in a design. It's made from walnut, cherry, cedar, and walnut and is appreciated by its flexibility and beauty. This kind of wood siding may be set up horizontally, diagonally or vertically using a smooth or rough finish.
