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certified legal videographer

What Is A Commercial Legal Videographer?

A commercial legal videographer (CLV) is a professional who creates, records and edits video for attorneys to use in court. CLVs typically work with law firms, corporations and government agencies. 

The responsibilities of a CLV vary depending on the company they work for, but typically include creating and editing videos, recording courtroom proceedings and conducting field research. CLVs often have a background in video production or journalism, so they are well-equipped to produce high-quality videos that help attorneys win cases. 

They may also receive bonuses or benefits based on company performance. In order to become a CLV, you need to have a degree in film or video production or journalism, as well as experience working with video footage. If you are looking for a legal videographer, you can visit

certified legal videographer

Lawyers focus on providing legal advice and representing their clients in court. They often work for large law firms, but many choose to become independent attorneys and start their own practices. 

For this type of job, you need a master's degree in law or pre-law, as well as experience working with legal documents and court transcripts. You may also need to be able to speak clearly and concisely in front of a jury or judge.

 Lawyers may also earn bonuses based on company performance. In order to become a lawyer, you must have at least a bachelor's degree, although there are many exceptions granted if you have additional qualifications.
