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fatigue risk management course

How Fatigue Affects Professional & Personal Life

management course online basic fatigue

Fatigue can wreak havoc in your life. If not treated immediately it can have a bad effect on your personal and professional life. But many people working stressful jobs like driving heavy vehicles, tend to ignore fatigue. But it will eventually harm you. Here’s how fatigue affects personal and professional life:- 

Personal Life

Poor Health – Those who ignore signs of fatigue tend to be in poor health. Poor stamina, fluctuating weight, constant tiredness, lifestyle diseases, and more, fatigue will lead to a lot of health issues. 

Irritability – Fatigue causes people to be irritable. They can get angry and snappy at the drop of a hat. This will affect all their personal relationships with family and friends. 

Accident Prone – Dropping things, falling down often, breaking and burning things around the house are signs of a fatigued person. It’s also a risk for fatigued people to drive cars. 

Professional Life 

Poor Work Performance – A fatigued person will not be able to give your best at their work. Their work will always be below par and they will not get raises and promotions. Worse, they can get fired over poor performance. 

Risk – If one is working in a job where they have to operate heavy machinery, they have to be careful about fatigue. Fatigue will cause them to lose concentration or even fall asleep, and they can get into workplace accidents. This will surely result in job loss. 

Fatigue is a risk recognized by employers. In the heavy vehicle industry, drivers are required to take an online basic fatigue management course even before they experience fatigue. 
