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What Is Family Child Care In Kenya

You've probably heard of family daycare — sometimes referred to as home preschool, home care, or home daycare — but you may not be sure what it is or how to access it. Family care is one of many parenting options. As a parent, you want to find what's best for your child, and that means fully understanding your abilities and the benefits of each.

For more details regarding family care services in Kenya, you can check out

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How does family care for children work

Family childcare is a form of early childhood education in which caregivers care for children in their own homes, often with the help of a chaperone. Family childcare programs are typically licensed for 6 to 12 children, although this number varies by country and type of childcare permit. 

Licensing requirements for nursing qualifications vary from state to state. You won't usually see a specific curriculum defined by state licensing boards, but you will see family care programs for children based on a different philosophy. 

Each state has its own definition of when a program must obtain a childcare license versus when the program can operate as an exempt license. Licensed programs must meet certain requirements and go through a screening process to ensure their homes are safe for children.

Choose the best care for your child

Finding the best child care facilities is difficult.  Most importantly, find a place where your child feels truly comfortable and growing. A place that treats them with love and respect and helps them prepare for the challenges they will face in the real world.
