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medical insurance brokerage

What Types of Health Insurance Can A Broker Provide In Houston Texas?

A health insurance broker can help businesses get the best possible health insurance plan at the best price. Depending on the size of your business and your needs, a health insurance broker can offer you a variety of different types of health insurance plans. You can also check out here to know more about health insurance brokers in Houston Texas.

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Here are some of the most common types of health insurance offered by brokers:

1.Employee Health Insurance: This type of coverage is typically provided to employees by their employer. It includes major medical, dental, and vision coverage as well as other benefits such as maternity leave and sick days.

2.Group Health Insurance: This type of coverage is offered through an employer or union, and it is typically available to employees and their families. Group health insurance can include major medical, dental, and vision coverage as well as other benefits such as prescription drugs and pediatric care.

3.Individual Health Insurance: This type of coverage is typically purchased by individuals. It includes major medical, dental, and vision coverage as well as other benefits such as accidental death and dismemberment coverages.

4.Health Maintenance Organization: HMOs help manage the way health care is provided to plan members by employing strict rules regarding who will provide and pay for what type of medical treatment. HMOs typically provide major medical coverage.

