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product filter app shopify

What Are Product Search Filters In Shopify?

When Your shoppers can refine their product search by using Product Search Filters. These filters allow them to specify details such as price, color, reviews, and so on. This allows customers to quickly find exactly what they want without having to spend too much time looking.

This fast shopping experience allows shoppers to shop faster and helps to reduce drop-offs. You can find the best Shopify product filter app via

product filter app shopify

Image Source: Google

Shopify Store needs Product Search Filters

Shoppers are impatient. Shoppers are uneasy, and need to find the right product. the exact product they need as soon as possible. The average time shoppers spend on a website is 5 min. Shoppers want to be able to find the product they are looking for. 

What Search Filters are best to set up and why?

Filter by Price Range

Your shoppers can choose the price range they would like the products to be priced. You can specify a minimum or maximum price so that only the products they are interested in will be displayed.

Review Filter

Your shoppers have the option to filter out reviews so that they only see products with that many stars. You can allow shoppers to choose whether products are rated 1 or 5 stars.

This is a great option for shoppers who value high ratings and want to purchase products that have been loved by others.
