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smsf audit services

What Are The Benefits Of A Self-Managed Super Fund

A self-managed super fund is a private super fund that you manage yourself. Super funds are used by the majority of Australians to provide retirement income. However, there are some important differences between industry and retail super funds and self-managed ones. Find out more about the benefits of smsf tax revenue in this article.

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What are the benefits of a self-managed super fund?

A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is a great way to manage your own money and get the most out of your savings. Here are some of the benefits: 

1. You control your investments – You're in charge of what goes into your SMSF, so you can choose which stocks, bonds, and other investments to invest in. This gives you more flexibility and control over your finances.

2. You can get great investment returns – A self-managed super fund typically has higher investment returns than a traditional superannuation fund, because you're investing on your own behalf rather than relying on someone else's judgment. This means you can make more money over time.

3. You can enjoy peace of mind – With a self-managed super fund, you know that all the money you're investing is safe and secure. If something happens to your job or the economy, your SMSF will still be there to help you through tough times.
