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sports custom mouthguards

Things to Consider When Buying a Custom Mouthguard

Custom mouthguards can be a great way to protect yourself from injury and discomfort as you train. Custom mouthguards are also a great way to customize your protection for sport. However, there are other things to consider when picking out a custom mouthguard. Here are some of the things you should think about:

1. Fit

A custom mouthguard should fit well and be comfortable to wear. It should not slip or move around while you play, and it should not be too tight or too loose. This can make it difficult to breathe and avoid hitting your teeth in the wrong place. You can get the best-customized mouthguards on

2. Design

You should also choose a design that is appropriate for your sport. For instance, if you play basketball, you might want a guard with a raised profile to protect your teeth from impact.

3. Durability

A custom mouthguard should be durable enough to last through many games and practices. It should also be easy to replace if it gets damaged or lost.

4. Cost 

Finally, you should consider the cost of a custom mouthguard. Some are more expensive than others, but they can be worth it if they guarantee protection for your teeth during your sports activities.

