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surgical mask

Tips on Wearing the Common Cold Mask

A face mask is commonly used by surgeons in the operating room. It has become a fashionable accessory during the pandemic. When used by an infected person, this mask will help to prevent the disease from spreading to other people. The antimicrobial face masks will reduce the risk of spreading the common cold from one person to another. If you want to buy the best face masks, you can visit

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The first step involves buying the right-sized mask that fits your face. There is a child-size mask that can be used for children.

For the second step, you have to make sure that the mask will be facing the right direction. According to the study, 22 percent of people put masks in the upside position.

For the next step, you need to secure the strap on the face mask. Most surgical masks have a protective strap around the head and a loop that will slip around your ears. If your mask fits loosely, adjusting the straps will be a great option to prevent air from entering the mask.

After that, you can check your mask to ensure that there are no air leaks. Most masks have a metal strip that will allow you to bend and form a mask for your nose. 

For the last step, you can save your mask, if the air is moist unless you are away from others. Removing the mask can expose you to airborne pathogens and pollutants.
