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Digital Marketing: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Digital marketing is a mixture of market and technology. The term refers to the use of digital media, such as websites, email, or apps, to promote products or services this article we’ll discuss Digital marketing & how it works.

Introduction of Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the use of digital technologies to create, control, and deliver marketing messages to customers. It is the process of creating and delivering content that helps a company’s customers connect with its products or services. 

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How does it work?

Digital marketing is the process of using digital technologies to create, manage and deliver customer relationships. It is used to create a relationship with customers through the use of digital channels such as email, website, social media, etc. In order to achieve this goal, marketers must understand how digital technologies work and how they can be used to reach and engage customers.

Components of digital marketing 

Digital marketing is the process of creating, delivering, and managing marketing messages through electronic channels. 

The three main components of digital marketing are: 

1. Planning : The first step in any digital marketing campaign is planning. You need to identify your target audience, create a strategy, and determine how you will measure success.

2. Execution : The second step is execution. This includes creating your content, setting up your online presence, and using digital media to reach and engage your target audience.

3. Analysis : After you have executed your campaign, it’s important to analyze the results so you can continue to improve your approach.
