Diabetes And Foot Problems In Reisterstown

Diabetes is a serious disease. The Podiatric Medical Association in Reisterstown recommends that people with diabetes should check their feet daily. Check local irritation, inflammation, color, texture, smell, firm or hardened areas, or other changes to their feet.

It is also recommended that people with diabetes see their health professional at least once a year for a full foot screening and immediately if there are signs of change or damaged skin, or ulcers. To get more information about diabetic foot care in Reisterstown you can visit https://familypodiatryofmd.com/locations/reisterstown-2/.

Foot problems are a major cause of hospitalization for patients with diabetes in Reisterstown. And about half of patients with diabetes have nerve damage, which can cause numbness, pain, and weakness in the legs or other parts of the body.

Patients should wash their feet often with warm, not hot, water and dry them thoroughly; especially, in between the toes. Moisturizer should be applied, but not between the toes. Calluses and corns should be gently floated and toenails trimmed short and the edges filed to avoid cutting adjacent toes. Use sandpaper, not a metal file, to avoid cutting your skin when you file your nails.

Special therapeutic shoes, boots, and soles of the feet help to maintain health but not a substitute for your attention and monitoring of foot. However, people who are not attentive probably better off with footwear. Spenco Diabetic Footbed designed with arch support and heel neutral for diabetics to help provide cushioning and support necessary to assist in the distribution of foot pressure. And Spenco Diabetic Foot Beds have received the prestigious Seal Acceptance from the Podiatric Medical Association in Reisterstown.