Parcel Delivery Packaging Advice

Whenever you decide all forms of delivery of the package, you want to make sure that whatever you send to arrive in the same condition is left. It would be a nightmare if you send expensive ornaments or artwork and it could be damaged in transit.

Therefore, every time you send an item, it is important that you make sure that they are packed correctly. Below we have provided the first part of the selection of useful hints and tips for when you are packing anything that will be sent.

Tamper-resistant bags can also help in transferring important documents or cash from one place to another. You can easily get tamper-resistant cash deposit bags from various online sources.

Boxes must be durable and double-walled. Remember that items will get stacked on the way and therefore the packaging you may need to support the weight of other packages. It should also be noted the boxes will be transported between DHL depot so as it may be handled on a number of occasions.

Select the size of the package according to its content. Under-filled boxes are likely to collapse; overload could explode. Never tape the two items together using tape or similar material, if you have two items that need to be sent in one package then this should be a suitable cardboard box/container.

Always use high-quality materials for your shipments. Consider strength, cushioning, and durability when selecting your wrapping supplies. Select a box made of corrugated cardboard, with good quality outer liners. Use the heavy-duty double-layered board for fragile items.