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Aseptic Techniques Training

2 Essential Elements Of Aseptic Techniques

Aseptic technique refers to a variety of medical procedures and practices which help protect patients from harmful bacteria. Bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms can be found everywhere and aseptic techniques will help prevent important equipment from becoming infected.

Why Aseptic Technique Is Important?

The greatest risk with all medical procedures is the possibility of contracting an infection. On average, about 1 in 30 hospital patients has some kind of healthcare-associated infection on any given day.

Your immune system is indeed robust but some procedures could bring bacteria into your body that go beyond the normal immune defenses. The easiest and most secure method to protect yourself from illness is to make sure that you keep the environment as clean as possible.

Essential Elements of Aseptic Technique

To ensure that a space is clean and free of germs, the aseptic technique employs four strategies to clean up the environment:

Barriers: Barriers are physical objects, which are sterile and stops any germs that might be present on healthcare personnel from getting onto the patient. The masks and disposable gloves as well as sterile dressing gowns are just a few kinds of barriers.

Contact guidelines: Aseptic techniques rely on ensuring that sterile objects are sterile. To do it, a sterile item that comes into contact with a non-sterile object is instantly deemed non-sterile as well. A scalpel that falls onto the floor is not sterile since the floor is not sterile.
