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home delivery keto meals

Types of Keto Diets

A keto diet, or "ketogenic diet," is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that has been shown to have many health benefits. It's been used to treat epilepsy for more than 50 years, and it's now being studied for a variety of other diseases.

There are three main types of keto diets: classical (aka classic), medium chain triglyceride (MCT) and the ultra low carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet (ULKD). You can also choose the best keto prepared meal delivery from online sources.

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Here are some reasons to start eating a keto diet:

1. Keto is effective for weight loss.

One of the main benefits of the keto diet is that it can help you lose weight. In fact, people on a keto diet tend to lose more weight than those who follow any other type of diet. This is because the keto diet leads to a reduction in insulin levels, which causes your body to burn more fat instead of carbs for energy.

2. Keto can help improve blood sugar control.

Another benefit of the keto diet is that it can help improve blood sugar control. When you eat a carbohydrate-heavy Diet, your body releases insulin in order to process and store that food as energy.

However, when you're on a keto Diet, your body doesn't release insulin as often and glucose levels stay lower longer – this can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
