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luxury landscape design

Different Types of Landscape Styles

Landscaping has a huge impact on the overall look of your home (and can also increase resale value). The landscape style you choose should make your yard a place where you can relax and be isolated from the outside world.

When choosing a different type of gorgeous landscape design, keep in mind your main goals, such as your garden design for children, sustainability, fun, or relaxation. Be aware of the zoning laws in your neighborhood, which may prohibit certain types or sizes of buildings and your climate; Not all landscape styles are suitable for all times.

Apart from flowers, shrubs, and trees, water is one of the hallmarks of the English garden. Whether artificial or natural, it can be a large lake or pond, or a reflection pond in a smaller area. Bridges, benches, and birdbaths are classic accompaniments, along with statues and cobblestones.

Traditional Japanese gardens are closed, all for a better way to escape into quiet contemplation, and bamboo is an excellent choice for this. Decorative ornaments are also the key to reviving this landscape style.

Citrus plants and potted herbs can help your garden look and smell like a Tuscan landscape. If you have the space, a maze can give guests (even just kids) a place to roam. 

Consider factors such as climate, weather, personal preferences, and level of support before deciding on your final style. If you're looking for more landscaping ideas and must-haves, our general contractor has some great tips.
