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Painters Color Consultation in Vancouver

How To Pick Right Colour For Your Home?

With multiple options for different paint colours, it can feel difficult trying to choose a mix of exterior paint colours for your home. Paint colours affect your home curb appeal and appearance as well.

Choosing a paint colour mix is simply a matter of imposing systematic consideration to evaluate a variety of colour schemes. This is made easier by the many companies that offer brochure paint colour suggestions that are based on a mix of architectural styles. You can refer to  to get colour consultation from painting experts so that your house looks nice.

colour consultant

Various tips that you can use when taking a combination of colours for your exterior include:

  • Take a photo of your residence from the street.

Viewed in a photo of your home will help you to be more objective and help you imagine a much more vivid colour combination, which will work in your home.

  • Consider the fixed architectural elements

You must choose a colour to match the architectural style as well. A colonial-style house looks best when added to the classic colour combination such as neutral grey or taupe for primary colours which have a window, and a crisp coloured wood with white and black accents. You may choose a colour for the adventurous style Victorian home, too.

  • Visit a paint store

Visit the store once and get a lot of paint swatches because they are often free. You can ask for a brochure that has been suggested a combination of colours of paint from the store.  
