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transparent face coverings

Safeguarding Against the Flu Using Face Masks

During times of flu outbreak, people look for ways to stay safe. Washing hands frequently, wearing masks, and using hand sanitizer are just some of the preventative measures people use to eliminate germs from their bodies. The best way to avoid the flu is to avoid communal areas and crowded environments where the virus can spread.

One way to lessen your chances of becoming infected with a flu virus is to wear a transparent medical face mask. The effectiveness of the mask varies with several factors including how you wear it, what type you pick out, and using proper disposal techniques.

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There are different shapes of masks to consider. The first is a soft, flexible mask that ties around the head. These are often referred to as medical masks. A second and more expensive type of mask is the form-fitting type that is pre-cast to fit comfortably around the face for a snug fit. These kinds are made out of thin fibers that work to filter out particulates that enter when breathing.

When you have your mask, it is important to put it on properly so it works right. Put the mask over your face and tie it on snugly. There should not be any holes or gaps anywhere around the edges. Any gaps can provide an easy way for germs to get in because inhaled air will completely bypass the filter.
